Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wordless Wednesday #135

Pine Valley west yard throat under construction.


  1. Seems to me that's the best feature of Fast Tracks/handlaying track - the ability to make custom track arrangements.

    1. Even the little things like making the turnout ends as long as you need are great!

  2. In the crossover at the top, did you run stock rail all the way from head block of one turnout to the frog of the other? I've often thought that would be how I would do crossovers, essentially making them one unit.

    1. If I had planned this "crossover" I might have tried that, however these are just two pre-built turnouts. The top turnout is actually a spur for the Dillonvale freight house which unfortunately does not conform to the prototype track layout. The real freight house spur was a trialing switch past the yard lead which would've put it out reach behind my furnace.
