Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wordless Wednesday #144

Steam returns to the Valley! The Nickel Plate Road 765 passes through the Cuyahoga River Valley at Big Bend Trailhead, Akron, OH, 9-17-2017 Chris Ellis photo


  1. Wonderful picture Chris ... thanks for capturing it for we NKP fans that don't live close enough to see it in person. You gotta love the Amish-Mennonite ladies using "technology" to remember the moment. Great stuff!

    1. I was surprised to see the Amish also. I spoke with the father and it seems like they drove up just see it! The power of a steam engine!

  2. I missed it! Not to worry... it will be in town 9-23-17 during the marathon like it always is, and nobody will be able to get to it!

    1. I didn't request a weekend off in time and work this coming weekend. At least I can catch it the late afternoon runs. You and your fancy "access" hah! Get some good pictures like last time!
